The best thing about the
film, Collateral Beauty, is the
concept that is also its title. In my own words, it’s the generous, kind, and
beautiful things that happen on the periphery of what’s tragic or evil. We’ve
seen it this past year, for instance when Trevor Noah suggested that if a
Muslim registry is created, we will all register. We see it when we appreciate
the sunset on a day that was full of hurt.
reminds me of a quote from Mister (Fred) Rogers that I’ve used to help my kids
understand bad things that happen in the world: “When I was a boy and I would
see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the
helpers. You will always find people who are helping."”
Collateral beauty is also
tied, for me, to gratitude; to continuing to notice and appreciate what works, what’s
lovely, what blessings surround us. If there is a coaching exercise for this post,
it is to show gratitude in whatever format works for you – a journal, a pay-it-forward
activity, or some sort of statement.